I woke this morning to birdsong. This happens most spring and summer mornings and yet, I have to really pay attention to realize how special this is. The sun was just barely hitting the tips of the trees, the sky a pale blue with a couple of wispy clouds. It got into the 50’s again during the night and the chill feels good. The past few hot and sunny days have stolen my energy.
Life here in Vermont is pretty sweet, especially on a cool crisp early summer morning.

Columbine along the roadside
This is my official launch. And I welcome you all to my story. This is where I will be perusing my inner thoughts and sharing ideas and projects with you.
Getting going first thing in the morning can be a challenge, taking that first step and getting things just right. Hard to just jump in with both feet, get it started and then watch where it flows.
Let me visit my moments before getting out of bed. I truly try to wake up and think of something I am grateful for, something that is upbeat and brings positive vibes to my day. More often though, I realize some of my first thoughts bounce between anxiety about having to get something done or the worry that always follows me….
July’s posting plan is to focus on a day in the life of a Vermonter – Me!! Summer can be loads of fun with gardening and exploration, beaches and lakes. How to wake up happy and bring that feeling to the rest of the day…. Everyday is different but I make every attempt to have some common threads to get me going in the morning. I am a crazy coffee person and have a fantastic coffee maker that grinds the beans and makes really strong brew. In the afternoons, I will often have an expresso with a little lemon peel. Very decadent. But for the morning, I go to the machine first. I then sit in a favorite rocker and while enjoying my coffee, I admire our modest view over the deck and down the valley. I listen to a couple of meditation songs and perhaps a guided one as well.
My quiet voice – will it be heard? I am only one person with a view limited by my own experiences and exposures.
So this is my launch, my platform for growing and learning and being. I plan to edit this several times so come back and see the progress I make.
Striving to keep my life a bit more simple and pure. I plan to edit this but promised myself I would put this out there. Tomorrow morning I can see I have my work cut out for me! (this is final edit #4)
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