I was surprised by a Showy Lady Slipper about a week or so ago. I was walking down my road with my dog. We have a circuit that we do and I was on the latter part of the walk. I happened to look over in the ditch next to the dirt road and growing in the muck and the weeds was a surprise!! A Showy Lady Slipper in full bloom!! One perfectly perfect blossom. It was so beautiful and so random a find. I went over and I admired it and took pictures. I was super excited when I got home and sent emails and text messages to my children.
I showed my husband the flower as we were driving down the road. I happened to look up beyond the ditch and there were several more plants growing in the field, each with 2-3 blossoms. The sunlight was on them and they were just beautiful! They were growing on a marshy area just below my neighbor’s house.
So, of course the next day I was excited to take my walk right down to check them all out. This is truly a special discovery. Thanks for letting me share this with you. Patricia
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